The Secret Cottage

The Secret Cottage
Dustin Olsen

I heard about the Secret Cottage through a friend who did the tour several months prior to me going to the UK. Said it was the best part of his entire trip. So….. I decided to do it and well – can’t agree with him more. The tour was so awesome and well executed that I couldn’t believe we had spent 6 hours in the Cotswold.

If you’re not a commoner (and even if you are) – you’ll love the many different types of food they prepare for you throughout the day. While London is great and all… and there is lots to see there… if you want a true cultural experience, then you’ve got to make your way to the Cotswolds where being British is what it is all about.

Oh. And be ready to take pictures because your guides know where are all the post-card ready photo-ops are at.

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The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage
The Secret Cottage


The Cotswolds

Photo Restoration 1 of 2

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The Secret Cottage

Dustin Olsen

Mastermind behind When no one is telling me what to do or where to be, you'll find me outside (hopefully flying my drone) soaking up some sun.