Sorrento – Italy

Sorrento – Italy
Dustin Olsen

The Story

Sorrento, Italy is one of those beautiful coast line cities in Southern Italy that undoubtedly draws a lot of attention from those just looking for a relaxing getaway with great views. Nearby Capri Island is where it’s at, though, when you make your way to Sorrento. In a quick tour around the island, I was amazed at just how many yachts were found in the various bays around the island. Makes you wonder if even the rich feel poor when a bigger yacht anchors nearby.

Sorrento and Capri Island are both very small cities and easy to get around, but probably one of the most picturesque places in Italy that truly display the beautiful views you think of when it comes to Italy.

Check Out The Photos

Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy
Sorrento – Italy

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Pisa – Italy

The tower is actually the bell tower to an adjacent church that serves as the duomo of Pisa. I always thought there was just a tower, nothing around it.

The Best Camera Wrist Straps for Secure Equipment

Digital cameras can be expensive, and one drop or hard hit to your equipment can cause a lot of damage. It can be very difficult to keep your camera safe and secure when you are out and about on adventures. As a photographer, one of the first things you will probably buy is a camera bag. On the other hand, this is only helpful when your devices are in storage. It doesn’t offer much protection while your camera is in use.

Sorrento - Italy

Sorrento – Italy

Dustin Olsen

Mastermind behind When no one is telling me what to do or where to be, you'll find me outside (hopefully flying my drone) soaking up some sun.