Extreme Light Painting

Extreme Light Painting
Dustin Olsen
Eric Curry is an amazing night photographer! His style of capturing photographs in the dark inspired me to go out and do one of my own. This truck was found on some farm land here in Rexburg, Idaho that we had permission to photograph. What an awesome experience to get out there and do this.

We took over 50 pictures lighting up various areas of the scene that you see in the photo. Then, using photoshop, all of the pictures were combined to make the single shot with all the areas lit up. Post production of this truck has taken about 6.5 hours. The photographing alone took close to 2.5 hours. This is no easy task, but the final product was well worth it I think.

At this point, I should probably tell you that the Sunset you’re seeing wasn’t apart of the background we had. Not even close. I actually took that shot from behind where we decided to setup for this scene and I love how it came together in the end! It looks like a painting because we don’t have natural light sources and shadows and anything. It’s a very creative and artsy style of photography.

Check Out The Photos
Extreme Light Painting

Florence – Italy

Florence, Italy is home to Michelangelo and other famous artists. This peaceful town becomes alive at night with so many social happenings.

The Secret Cottage

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A good wide-angle lens is invaluable if you want to do quality architectural photography. These types of lenses allow you to capture high resolutions throughout the photo and give a much better focus for interior corners that often seem blurry in photographs. Although it may not seem like it, there is a difference between indoor photography and outdoor photography.

Extreme Light Painting

Dustin Olsen

Mastermind behind DustinOlsen.com. When no one is telling me what to do or where to be, you'll find me outside (hopefully flying my drone) soaking up some sun.